Response #3

I don’t really have a big event that shaped me as a person but now I know where to go if I ever get lost in Las Vegas. When I was little we would always use to visit my relatives that lived in Vegas. We’d usually either stay at the house or do something or we’d go to the casino. I remember I was 9 years old; my older cousins took me to the arcade in the casino. The Arcade was pretty big then from what I remember plus really loud. My cousins all ran off in different directions leaving me with my cousin Eric; at the time he was to occupied playing some racing game and beating other kids at games to watch me so I wondered off out in the arcade for a while looking for my other cousins. When I came back to where my cousin was he was gone and so where the others. They didn’t bother looking for me and they just left. Soon after I found out they were with our parents soon after and they got in trouble for coming back without me. So I wondered off into the casino looking for a security guard crying because they left me there by myself in the arcade. This has shaped my life to never wonder off and I also learned a good quality of learning to find my way to places that I need to go to, or when I need to find someone I know.

Response #2

Proper reading habits are different for most people. For me I enjoy reading, but for other they may not like it, or they might just do the minimum reading required for like school. My strength while reading a book would be imagining it in my head ad it happens in the book, also learned how to pick out important parts in the book when I need it an assignment from one of my teachers in high school. It’s like having a movie theater in your head; you get to pick the actors. But when I was little I was encouraged to read a lot by my mom she’d always read to me then have me read it to her after a week that I have practiced it, and I didn’t like the reading back to her part. Back then I didn’t like reading all so much because I was slow at it and it found it boring. When I was in elementary school I had reading help because I was a slow reader but now I can read just fine because the teachers there helped me a lot and I became faster while reading but I do get distracted from reading fairly easily when it’s a book that’s not interesting to me. The people I know who like reading the most would be my two sisters. They have a lot of books that when I needed one for school they had it already. It was cool because I didn’t have to go out and buy it, or borrow it from a library.


Parts of speech: Noun

The Source Sentence and (page Number): "I should've sold everything brought the money to america a long time ago," became is montra.Funny in Farsi pg 129

Context Clues: logic ()

Definition: a word or formula, as from the Veda, chanted or sung as an incantation or prayer.

Your Original Sentence: The air leaking from the tank was a noxious gas.


Parts of speech: Adj.

The Source Sentence and (page Number): "Without taking a break, I scrubbed intensely, trying my best not to inhale the noxious fumes."Funny in Farsi pg 127

Context Clues: example (fumes)

Definition: harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being

Your Original Sentence: The air leaking from the tank was a noxious gas.


Parts of speech: Noun

The Source Sentence and (page Number): For twelve days after the equinox, people visited relatives and friends, always sstarting with the eldest."Funny in Farsi pg 106

Context Clues: Logic (Previously heard)

Definition: the time when the sun crosses the plane of the earth's equator, making night and day of approximately equal length all over the earth and occurring about March 21 (vernal equinox or spring equinox) and September 22 (autumnal equinox).

Your Original Sentence: The scientists studied the equinox during the spring when it was less cold.


The impact of studying the vocabulary for this class has changed the way that I read the text and how I go about words that I do not know or vaguely remember. It has also helped me expand my vocabulary that I use everyday. During learning the vocabulary I learn to look for context clues to help me figure out words that I don’t know, Instead of automatically asking another person what the words is; looking it up in the dictionary or even avoiding the word and coming back to it after I have finished reading. I also have noticed that some of the vocabulary words that we have learned for this class are being used around me by people I know and also in the videogames that I have played and when I hear them or see it, I think to myself, “Hey I know that word, I just learned that.” Yes I do notice that I have been using some of these words in my everyday vocabulary now that I have learned them for this class. I do remember the majority of the words after I took the vocabulary test, but some of them I did forget or still remember vaguely because I do not use them in my everyday conversations, or I just do not know them as well as I know the rest of the words.


Parts of speech: Noun

The Source Sentence and (page Number): " name drew people like flies to baklava..."Funny in Farsi pg 64

Context Clues: Logic (flies are drawn to sweet things)

Definition: a Near Eastern pastry made of many layers of paper-thin dough with a filling of ground nuts, baked and then drenched in a syrup of honey and sometimes rosewater.

Your Original Sentence: The chef bestowed a warm and delicious baklava to the customer